Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Racial Stereotypes Don't Make For Good Play Topics

When it comes to plays like "West Side Story" a good chorus is most important. Without that the audience will be bored out of their mind. But just because there is a good chorus and the set and costumes look great that doesn't mean the play is a good one. I first saw the movie version of the play in my middle school Spanish class. I think that's a little too young to really "enjoy" the whole point of it. Once you have a bad image of something, it''s really hard to change someones attitude about something, and that's definitely how it was for me. I never particularly liked the whole concept of it. Gang vs. gang, and the whole hating people based on race. I mean I know that it was definitely a factor in the time period that the play is based on (and is still kind of a factor today) but do I really care to be reminded about all the bad happenings between different races. I don't really care to spend money to watch something depressing that I could watch on the news in the convenience of my own home for free.

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