Friday, April 10, 2009

New Play Will Get You Caught In It's Web

So I have seen many broadway plays in the past, but one that I am really excited to see is "Spiderman". I loved the movie and it's always interesting to see a movie be changed into a play. They delete stuff here and there and add other things. I am also very interested to see how they will make Spiderman do all of his crazy Spiderman tricks in a live theater performance. I know it can be done though. Plays always pull out any trick to make the play the best that it could possibly be to wow the audience. I mean if they can make a car fly in "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang" I'm pretty sure they can make a man fly. I'm excited because Evan Rachel Wood will be playing Mary Jane and she is one of my favorite actors. There is no telling if it will be as good as the movie, but I guess I'll just have to see it to find out.

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