Tuesday, April 21, 2009

A Lot Of Spam Is A Tasty Treat For Play Lovers

This past summer I saw "Spamalot" in New York City with my dad and boyfriend. I had never seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail so I was not really sure what to expect. I absolutely loved it. It was really entertaining and kept me laughing the whole time. Some parts were a little awkward, when it makes joke about anything related to sex, because I was sitting next to my dad. But I got over that really fast. I was even happier that my boyfriend liked it (he's not a huge fan of musicals). I think it definitely is a play for anyone and everyone.One thing that I was not too happy about before I went and saw the play was the fact that Clay Aiken was a lead in it. I have never been a fan of his. I didn't like him on American Idol and there was always just something about him that made me creeped out by him. After seeing him in Spamalot though, I have a new appreciation for him. His role was 100% perfect for him and he definitely connected very well with his character (way more than most Broadway actors and actresses do today). The role he played was basically just a "sarcastic ass" kind of guy, and he delivered very well. It almost seemed like that role was meant for him. His singing was great too. As I said before, I didn't like him on American Idol, but I think he finally found his range and what type of music he can truly do his best at. He also had many great one line jokes that stuck with me throughout the entire play. Spamalot was better than I could have ever imagined. It had me laughing and singing along the whole way.

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